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Some people see dieting as a starvation diet and start the diet with the worst fears. These people’s suspicions are mostly confirmed because they go on a diet without any basic knowledge. This basic knowledge includes, among other things, how to lose weight without starving yourself. We will explain the simple rules that you must observe in the following.

Low carb or keto? That is the question!

Carbohydrate-limited diets, which have come into focus, have been a gift in recent years and decades. Carbohydrate limitation in nutrition means that the intake of carbohydrates is restricted. In the case of a low-carb diet, a maximum of 130 grams of carbohydrates are eaten per day, while a ketogenic diet has an even lower maximum of 50 grams per day.

  • Fats are increasingly being used as an alternative source of energy
  • Glucose, which is obtained from carbohydrates
  •  Ketone bodies cleaved from fats
  •  In rare cases, proteins are used as a third source of energy

Ultimately, the path to a healthy diet is via carbohydrates and fats since proteins are essential building blocks. Now, low carbohydrate intake benefits tapping into fat more quickly than would be the case with a high-carbohydrate diet. This results in effective fat burning.

What’s more, there are no blood sugar fluctuations that result from the intake of sugary and starchy foods, which are not uncommon in carbohydrate-containing diets. Such blood sugar fluctuations cause the problem that the body is quickly supplied with a lot of Glucose, which initially provides an energy boost. However, this subsides in a short time, leading to ravenous hunger attacks that lead to the failure of many diets.

For this reason, the solution is: either eat fewer carbohydrates or rely mainly on complex carbohydrates from whole grain products!

Ketogenic nutrition takes it to the extreme: the body goes into fat metabolism.

Of all the diets, the ketogenic diet is the strictest in reducing carbohydrate intake, but it is also the most beneficial. This is because the body switches to fat metabolism.

Usually, the body is in carbohydrate metabolism. When the carbohydrates are reduced, the metabolism changes to fats or the ketone bodies obtained from them as the preferred energy source. What few people know: ketones are a far more effective source of energy for the body than carbohydrates!

A noticeably improved energy production and other health benefits result from the ketogenic diet:

  •   Faster fat burning
  •  Reduction of inflammation
  •  Higher mental performance
  •  Stable blood sugar level

More and more admirable stories are entwined around this form of nutrition. In strength sports, one hopes – here under the name anabolic diet – to build up muscles despite the calorie deficit. In medicine, on the other hand, the ketogenic diet is making a name for itself in the treatment of neurological diseases, especially epilepsy.

But above all, according to the focus of this article: losing weight without feeling hungry, because fats provide energy much more effectively and over a more extended period and blood sugar remains stable.

Just eat when hungry!

Probably the most straightforward rule for losing weight without feeling hungry is to consume food as a solution. Of course, there are a few things to consider here so that a calorie deficit and thus weight loss can ultimately occur:

1. Define calorie intake clearly! Calculate your basal and performance metabolism to determine how many calories you can eat daily without jeopardizing your weight loss. Then, weigh yourself regularly to see if your calculations add up, and maintain a moderate calorie deficit of 500 calories.

2. Include three meals and snacks! Now comes the most important thing: the three individual meals are initially a revelation and an impertinence that makes it difficult to lose weight without starving yourself. Therefore, reduce the calorie intake for the three meals and plan healthy snacks for a constant energy level.

3. The following still applies: Fats are better than carbohydrates! It’s not a must, but – as the last section should have already made clear – beneficial if you eat fewer carbohydrates. Combined with the first two tips, this results in THE strategy for losing weight without starving yourself.

Eat slowly and enjoy

In a fast-paced world, mindfulness gets lost in various things. The establishment of methods such as the Bullet Journal based on Ryder Carroll’s principles brought order to the lives of people worldwide who had a mess in their schedules.

The example can be transferred to the eating behavior of many people with a bit of thinking around the corner:

 When was the last time you ate slowly and consciously without watching TV or checking your cell phone?

The next appointment is coming up. Put something in your mouth as soon as possible!

 Morning grouch? Don’t eat at all and instead have hunger pangs at work!

There shouldn’t be any accusations. But nowadays, eating slowly and consciously is becoming increasingly rare, especially in industrialized nations. For this reason, we give you a tip to plan half an hour more for eating and to eat slowly. This way, you will also perceive the taste better and enjoy the food much more.

But what does this tip have to do with losing weight without feeling hungry? Reason: The feeling of satiety only sets in after ten to 15 minutes. Those who eat slowly have eaten less by the time they reach their saturation point and are more likely to stop eating. Since you automatically eat less. As a result, you take in calories with the individual meals in the same way.

Means: A faster feeling of satiety lets you eat less, which means you eat more varied and richer food throughout the day.

Curb cravings for bitter substances

If you have problems with overeating and you have weight problems, as a result, you can get the cravings under control with bitter substances. Because while foods containing sugar and salt only further stimulate the appetite, bitter substances counteract hunger.

The fact that bitter substances can help with weight loss is not only due to the automatically smaller portion size that we eat since many people do not like the taste. Bitter chocolate, Grapefruit, or coffee can also help with weight loss. One of the reasons for this is that bitter substances stimulate the production of digestive juices, and we feel full more quickly.

Other reasons for possible weight loss with bitter substances are:

  •  The bitter taste inhibits the craving for sweets
  •  Bitter foods are usually of natural origin and have fewer calories
  •  Bitter substances improve digestion and metabolism

In addition to the positive effects on losing excess kilos, contrary to some expectations, bitter substances are also perfect for other body processes. But how do bitter substance drops promote our health? We would now like to explain this to you.

Why bitter substances can promote health

In addition to the positive effect on weight loss, bitter substances also have a very impactful effect on other diseases or complaints. Due to the anti-oxidative effect and the alkaline composition, they balance the often overly acidic acid-base balance and support all critical human metabolic processes.

The intestines, in particular, benefit from the bitter substances, as they stimulate the production of digestive juices and bile, make food intake more effective and thus allow the intestines to form waste products. Bitter substances are therefore also ideal for detoxification.

The immune system also benefits from this detoxification. Since the overall metabolism is faster and better, toxins are eliminated faster, and the body becomes sick less quickly. Some experts justify this effect with the supposedly toxic taste of the bitter taste, which should be excreted as soon as possible.

Other diseases or complaints that a sufficient intake of bitter substances can counteract are:

1. Weak nervous system and poor circulation

2. liver diseases

3. Gallbladder problems

4. Cardiovascular diseases (cholesterol-lowering effect)

5. Mental stress, stress (neutralization of free radicals)

6. physical pain

As you can see, the positive effects of a sufficient intake of bitter substances go very far. To absorb them, you can either use special dietary supplements or natural foods, which you can find in every supermarket.

Even though most of the bitter substances have already been bred out of fresh foods, the following types of fruit and vegetables still contain large amounts of the bitter substances naringin, cynarin, or lactucin:




Brussels sprouts





Conclusion: losing weight without feeling hungry is a question of simple mechanisms!

To lose weight without feeling hungry, there are only a few essential things to consider. You have been given this to hand. Undoubtedly, cutting carbs takes some getting used to, but you’ll see the effect eventually. And if you’re not ready to cut carbs, you have the other tips in this post to fall back on. All in all, these are simple mechanisms that you have to implement.


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