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There is usually a lot of luck when a woman first finds out that she is pregnant. And this moment is usually the beginning of the most exciting time in the young family’s life because there are a lot of changes in the life of the young parents.

There is a lot to prepare for the new little one. The parents’ anticipation increases from purchasing their bed to a stroller and everything else part of the initial equipment.

A lot is changing

But not all changes are as significant and evident as those in the new family’s home. Many changes for the mother-to-be also characterize pregnancy. In the beginning, there are usually mental changes. Most young mothers go through a real rollercoaster ride of emotions. From effervescent happiness to severe anxiety and depression, anything is possible.

Such fears are also fueled by the fact that the woman does not know what will happen to her in the new phase of life. The first changes in her body are noticeable, some habits that she took for granted before are now demanding for her, or she should stop doing them. The fear of the actual birth and the child’s health can cause many a sleepless night.

Gynaecologists are the first point of contact.

Don’t hesitate to share your concerns with your gynaecologist if you feel the same way. He is the expert in providing you with the information you need now to regain your emotional balance.

The opportunity to do this is not only offered by the preventive medical check-ups recommended in Germany. You have the option of contacting your trusted gynaecologist at any time. First of all, you need to know that most pregnancies go off without a hitch and that most babies are born healthy and strong. Mother Nature takes care of that as best she can.

Nevertheless, it would help to get a little overview of diseases that could happen to you as a mother-to-be during pregnancy. Because only if you know which symptoms point to such an illness are you and your doctor in a position to take measures at a very early stage so that you and your child can live through this critical and unique time in your life healthy and happy together be able.

Minor illnesses during pregnancy

In medicine, one always speaks of a pregnancy disease when it directly connects with a pregnancy. However, not every pregnancy disease is equally threatening to mother and child.

For example, the circulatory problems that many women with low blood pressure experience during pregnancy are usually more of a nuisance than a problem. They severely restrict the activities of the expectant mother and reduce her quality of life. Regular check-ups and homoeopathic or herbal remedies to stabilize circulation and blood pressure usually offer adequate treatment.

Many expectant mothers suffer from annoying morning sickness, especially during the first three months of pregnancy. This usually occurs in the morning, right after getting up. But it is also possible at any other time of the day for pregnant women to suffer from nausea and vomiting. This nausea usually begins from the 6th week of pregnancy and subsides by itself from the 16th week.

As long as this nausea disappears during the day and the mother can get enough food and predominantly liquid, there is no need to worry. However, a few women experience a severe form of morning sickness in which they can hardly hold any food or fluids in their bodies. In such a case, you must seek treatment as soon as possible to prevent developmental disorders in your child and severe health risks in yourself.

Another problem that expectant mothers suffer from is an increased tendency to heartburn. Heartburn is usually easy to get under control with home remedies by soaking flaxseed in a glass of water and then drinking it regularly. However, please tell your doctor about your symptoms, especially if they don’t go away after a few days.

Bleeding, which occurs primarily in the first three months of pregnancy, often poses no danger to mother and child. It is so heavy and regular in some women that they only realize later that it is not a menstrual period. So many a pregnancy goes unnoticed for a relatively long time, and the surprise that the woman is pregnant is all the more significant.

Such bleeding is usually caused by hormonal fluctuations, which occur more frequently in the first trimester of pregnancy. However, there are many other possible causes of bleeding during this period. However, since they can also be a harbinger of a miscarriage, you should always see your doctor if you notice any bleeding.

Serious illnesses of pregnancy

Above all, if they are detected early, many serious illnesses can still be averted before the mother and child can be harmed.

For this reason, your gynaecologist devotes himself to all the essential aspects that could indicate a pregnancy-related illness during the check-ups. This includes the strict control of blood pressure and the determination of blood values ​​and the power of the mother’s urine. And to check that your little darling is developing splendidly, he will feel your stomach and take ultrasound scans. In the last phase of pregnancy, CTGs are also used to measure the child’s contractions and heartbeat.

Thus, the vast majority and, above all, the most critical areas of the physical health of mother and child are under professional control. If you notice any abnormalities or dangers, your doctor will schedule more frequent checks and initiate treatment if necessary.

A serious illness that threatens the life of mother and child is the so-called late gestosis or preeclampsia. This disease occurs mainly in the last trimester of pregnancy. It is primarily caused by immunological disorders and causes the pregnant woman’s arteries to become severely narrowed.

This not only endangers many of the mother’s organs but, in the worst case, also the life of the child. Symptoms of these diseases can be high blood pressure and excess water retention in the body, which leads to a weight gain of more than 500g per week. Proteins in the urine can also indicate this disease, which is why a urine test is always part of the check-ups.

Women who are expecting their first child, mothers with multiple pregnancies and women suffering from kidney disease or diabetes mellitus should pay particular attention to signs of late gestosis.

The so-called HELLP syndrome is a unique form of gestosis. This disease results from damage to the maternal liver from vascular spasms. This leads to blood problems such as the death of blood cells and platelets. But typical elevated liver values, which indicate damage to the liver, are a distinctive sign of this threatening disease for mother and child, the doctor.

The consequences of HELLP syndrome can be kidney failure and a ruptured liver in the mother. However, massive bleeding can also occur because the pregnant woman’s blood contains too few antihemorrhagic platelets. The baby is endangered by a threatened detachment of the placenta and, of course, by the threatened health of the mother.

In particularly severe cases of this disease that go undetected, the mother can have severe convulsive seizures resulting in severe, ongoing nerve damage.

Fortunately, the number of severe cases of gestosis has been reduced over the past few decades thanks to regular checks as part of the recommended check-ups. In mild cases, the probability that mother and child will survive the pregnancy is very high.

Also, don’t take gestational diabetes lightly. This form of diabetes only manifests itself during pregnancy. Therefore, it is hazardous for the child, as it can result in the placenta not developing correctly. As a result, the child cannot be adequately nourished and is at risk of dying in the womb.

If you are diagnosed with gestational diabetes, changing your diet and getting plenty of regular exercises can help keep your child safe from the disease. If these measures are not sufficient, your doctor will prescribe you insulin to get the disease under control.

A condition that is believed to be caused by the now large baby’s pressure on the mother’s inferior vena cava threatens expectant mothers at the end of pregnancy. Vena cava syndrome is manifested by a drop in blood pressure, dizziness and nausea. When the heart is racing, the body tries to pump enough blood into the vital areas. This way, it often prevents the pregnant woman from becoming unconscious or getting into a shock situation.

The symptoms appear as soon as the child’s position acutely narrows the vein so that it usually helps the expectant mother considerably if she changes her position. It would help if you got used to sleeping on the left side of your body and preferably put a thick and firm roll of a blanket or pillow on your back. This prevents you from accidentally turning over during the night and gives your back a comfortable hold. However, it is essential that you also have your gynaecologist clarify that there is no other cause for your symptoms to avert all risks for you and your child.

Thanks to the well-thought-out and nationwide healthcare system in Germany and Europe, pregnant women can access the best possible medical care. State-of-the-art diagnostic methods and regular check-ups make it possible to identify health problems in good time and avert health risks for mother and child. So it is possible that in Europe, the vast majority of happy parents can hold healthy children in their arms.

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