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Write For Us

Write For Us Guest Posts: Beauty / Health / Yoga / Lifestyle / Nutrition / Fashion  

Opening for Guest posts!  

Hurry, we want Guest Bloggers at Health Flock for guest post submissions & sponsored posts. ‘Write for us’ and get published posts on our site.  

Here’s how you can do it in a jiffy!  

To submit guest posts on health/yoga/beauty/proper lifestyle/CBD/vaping/nutrition, send a complete 1000+ word 

Article to contact@healthflock.com

How To Work With Us? 

  • Please send us an article using the email above  
  • We offer online marketing/advertising here.

What to write for us when you guys submit content (health, beauty, fashion, lifestyle, yoga, nutrition, CBD, and Vaping submissions)   

You do not need to have any expertise or hold a proper qualification. What you will need is:  

  1. Amazing writing skills  
  2. Have a passion for expressing in words  
  3. Know your subject well (preferably beauty / fashion / lifestyle / nutrition / health / yoga)  
  4. What’s unique will voices reach out online.  
  5. Portray yourself, and you’ll touch wide readers worldwide.  
  6. Write about positive upliftment, lifestyle, or just happy and jovial.  
  7. Share your voice and talent  
  8. Get feedback from the editor at your request 

Simple Rules for Writing for Us  

  1. Do not send a pitch. They will be ignored. If you want to write for us, send your complete guest post / sponsored post (articles must be unique). 
  2. If your article is to promote a product. We accept sponsored guest posts.
  3. When you write for us, remember that we can only accept free and sponsored guest posts that are unique and have never been published before.   

Want to submit a guest post on health? Write to us following these guidelines.   

If you’re interested in writing a guest post for our blog, we’d love to hear from you! We’re always looking for new voices and fresh perspectives. Before you submit a guest post, please take a look at our guidelines below:-

  1. Keep it short and sweet: A good blog post is typically under 1,000-2,200 words. Try to keep the informative part within the first 7 mins.
  2. Be timely: Write about topics that are timely and relevant to your audience. And try to meet the deadline of 7-24hrs.
  3. Be original & error-free: i.Write original i.e., plagiarism-free content that was not published online before. ii.It should be free of grammar and spelling errors.
  4. Be useful & engaging: i.Write content that is helpful and informative for your readers. ii.Write in an engaging and interesting way. iii.Use relevant header tags(H1, H2, H3..H6) which give the outline of the article.
  5. Use images: Include high definition images or infographics to break up the text and add visual interest & information (1200*800 is our ideal size).
  6. Use relevant keywords: Use keywords wisely throughout your post to help improve its search engine optimization (SEO); avoid keyword stuffing though!
  7. Relevant links: Include one to two relevant external links. You can source one or two valued outbound links like Wikipedia.
  8. Promote your post: Once your post is published, be sure to promote it through social media and other channels.
  9. Meta-tags: Specify meta-data with your content. A good blog post is incomplete without a suitable SEO-title(50-60characters) & meta-description(150-160characters).
  10. Reserved rights: Please note that we reserve the right to edit posts for clarity and length.

To submit guest posts on technology:   

If you want to submit a guest post on technology, write for us an article about the latest technology related to health, mindfulness, yoga, and other areas, or write about how readers can use technology for a better lifestyle.   

To submit guest posts on technology, you should showcase the products in images and explain how to use them and the benefits our readers will get from them. So write for us technology guest posts that are both entertaining and informative.   

Into Yoga? Write Guest Posts Like This  

If you would like to submit guest posts on yoga, write for us inspiring and educational articles that are full of positive energy. Our best yoga guest posts make the reader feel like they want to get on the mat and start doing yoga! 

Write a guest post about yoga that is personal, and fill your words with energy and spark. Then we’ll be sure to accept the yoga articles you submit.    

We are currently expanding our chapter on yoga. Write for us today, and your submission is very well likely to be published.   

More things to Know When You Submit Guest Posts 

Style of writing   

When you submit guest posts to our blog, we like to receive certain types of posts.   

List posts (e.g., “Top 10 ways to be happy“) are always popular. Blog guest posts with unique voices are very popular. When you submit guest posts, ask yourself the following questions:  

1) Will our readers enjoy this article? 

2) Is it well written? 

3) Will the article generate discussions or shares? When you submit a guest post, write for us in a way that will be popular, articles our readers will want to discuss with their friends.  

Who will be selected

We operate on an open-door policy. But we do expect a few key things: Passion. 

  • Writing ability. 
  • And a unique voice. 
  • Provided you have all of those, we should be good to go! So write for us today!  


  • When you write for us, you put your talent and your voice in front of our readers. We generate 2000+ page views per month. So, there is a big opportunity for you.


  • A minimum of 1000 words. They are written in a way that keeps readers reading. We want your guest post submissions to be read from start to finish.  
  • Unlike offline publications, online publication is all about the “time on page” metric. When you write for us, submit guest posts that will keep the reader reading. You can achieve that with a long (1000+ words) article.  


  • We want to help writers find a place for their work. And we want to help companies to grow online by working with them. That’s why we distinguish between free and sponsored guest post submissions.  
  • The difference is simple: Free guest post submissions are for writers who simply want to write an article with no commercial interests in mind.  
  • Sponsored guest post submissions are for companies and paid writers.  
  • Simply put, if you simply want to write an article, it will be a free guest post submission. If you have professional or commercial interests in mind, it will be a sponsored guest post submission.  
Current Hot Topics: Yoga, Travel, Technology, Beauty, Fashion, Lifestyle, Health  

Further info 

 The HealthFlock offers many guest post/writing opportunities for mindfulness teachers, yoga teachers, psychologists, natural health enthusiasts, and healers.  

  1. What we are looking for is a unique voice.  
  2. We want you to share your love and your passion  
  3. What are you into?  
  • Yoga?  
  • Mindfulness?  
  • Technology?  
  • Health?   
  • Lifestyle?  
  • Spiritual healing/rehab/therapy?  
  • Travel?  

Whatever it is, when you write a guest post for the HealthFlock, we want you to show how passionate you are about your subject.  

We don’t care if you write a science piece, a personal essay, even fiction or poetry. We do care that you write guest posts with your heart and soul because that is the type of writing that will succeed online.  

Ready to write for us?

Submit guest posts to:  contact@healthflock.com


Our Guest Posting Sites!

We ain’t finished yet…

How To Find Health + Write for Us Page on Google?  

We always receive contributors to our blog. We support the contributors, content writers, budding authors, guest writers to find our health write for us on the google search engine. If you are a contributor for health niche and any other niche related to our blog, then find us with search queries/keywords mentioned below: 

health write for us 

health and wellness write for us 

health and fitness write for us 

health write for us guest post 

health blogs accepting guest posts 

beauty write for us 

mental health write for us 

write for us mental health paid 

health blogs that accept guest posts 

holistic health write for us 

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yoga write for us 

natural health write for us 

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health “guest post.” 

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Health and beauty “write for us” 

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Health blog “write for us” 

health “write for us” 

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holistic “write for us” 

write for us “Health” 

write for us “beauty” 

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“submit a guest post” health 

“submit a guest post” beauty 

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health and fitness “write for us” 

guest post beauty blog 

fashion “submit a guest post” 

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CBD “write for us” 

guest post health blog 

Write For Us “Health & wellness”

Beauty & fashion Write For Us

Diet & nutrition “Guest Blog”

Fitness & yoga Write For Us

Write For Us News & trends

Lifestyle Write For Us


Ready to write for us? Here get to us:  contact@healthflock.com