Beauty And Fashion

Nanoblading: Will The New Eyebrow Trend Replace Microblading?


The beauty world is crazy about microblading. The brow hype could soon have serious competition because nano blading is even more natural!

Nanoblading is a form of eyebrow optimization, which is particularly natural. In this article, we reveal everything you need to know about these cosmetic s

Cara Delevingne, Bambi Northwood-Blythe, Lily Collins – yes, of course, you already know what we’re getting at. Eyebrows have ruled the beauty world for several years. But very few ladies are naturally blessed with thick brows, and that is why it is not uncommon for them to be brushed, colored, and, for some time now, tattooed.

Particularly popular: Microblading, hair is traced under the skin with paint where it usually no longer grows. Thanks to this method, the eyebrows appear more lush and full and can even be given a completely new shape. No wonder beauty is as worldwide are crazy about it and voluntarily put themselves under the needle of microblading experts in droves. Over 14 million tagged posts on Instagram alone with the keyword microblading!

But will the queen of beauty treatments soon have to give up her reign? Another trend could now be hazardous for microblading. We introduce you to the so-called nano blading!

Are eyebrows exactly your topic? Then read more about it here:

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  • With this inexpensive product from the drugstore, you can achieve bushy eyebrows at home
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Nanoblading vs. Microblading: What’s the Difference?

With nano blading, like with microblading, color pigments are applied under the skin, mimicking hair to make the eyebrows look fuller. The new technology should be called nano needling since a device is used here reminiscent of a classic tattoo needle.

While microblading works with a needle fan whose individual hands are about 0.25mm thick, nano-blading use a single, ultra-sharp, finely ground needle with a diameter of only 0.18mm. The artificially “painted” hair can be brought in remarkably evenly and thinly.

On the one hand, the result provides a natural 3D effect, and, on the other hand, it is much more accurate and precise than after microblading. It can hardly be distinguished between pigmentation and natural hair. The exact reworking for individual strands is no longer a problem with nano blading.

Nano-needles imitate the actual diameter and size of a natural hair – so nano-  needling makes the optimized eyebrow look as natural as possible.

How long does nano blading last?

“Nanoblading is a form of cosmetic tattooing, but it doesn’t go as deep as a conventional tattoo. The nano-needle only penetrates through the top layer of the skin, into the upper dermis,” explains nano blading expert Laura Kay to the Harper’s Bazaar UK. 

Nano brows can almost be considered permanent make-up and can therefore last for several years depending on the skin condition; the artificial microblading hairs fade after one and a half to two years.

How expensive is nano blading, and how long does the treatment take?

How expensive nano blading is cannot be said in general terms. In general, however, it can be said that the new technology is more accurate and therefore more time-consuming.

While a microblading treatment costs around 250 euros, nano blading can be expected to cost around 350 euros. Both treatments last about two hours, and follow-up treatment is necessary for both techniques after four to six weeks.

What do you have to consider after nano blading treatment?

As with microblading, you should also take a few things to heart after the treatment with nano blading so that the eyebrow pigmentation lasts for a long time and you can enjoy the result. Due to this cosmetic procedure, in which the layers of the skin are strained, the complexion in this area is particularly sensitive.

Therefore, you should keep your brows dry as much as possible in the days that follow, do not apply wound or healing ointments, as these can ensure that color pigments are repelled more quickly, refrain from sunbathing for four weeks, and do not use eyebrow make-up.

In addition, a slight crust can form after nano blading, and you should not touch this either, but wait until it falls off by itself. Then you are guaranteed brows à la Cara Delevigne!

Microblading or nanoblading? Which technique is the right one for you depends on the result you are hoping for. Nanoblading offers the most natural result. The optimized brows look particularly fluffy, and the pigmentation can hardly be distinguished from natural hair.

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